My first blog entry ever!
So this is what it's like to post to a blog huh?
Where do I start?
Yesterday my fears were confirmed. Lately I have felt like my friend Sohaila has been annoyed by my presence. Usually when I'm with a friend I feel completely secure about being myself and I don't have to worry about being judged. The past few times I've hung out with Sohaila I have felt her gaze. I know I am under her scrutiny. I can feel it. The point is I don't feel secure around her and I have been informed by an anonymous source that she is, in fact, uncomfortable with our friendship. Can you guess why? Because she feels pressured by me to not smoke, drink, experiment with drugs. It's true that my views on such things are pretty narrow and I do wish she would stay innocent, but there's nothing I can do to stop her. I pressure all of my friends to not do those things, but that never stopped them, nor did it make them want to stop being my friend. Anyway, I've decided I'm just going to distance my self from her a little bit and see if that makes her more comfortable, if not than she doesn't know what she wants and that isn't my problem.
On another note I really want a boyfriend, or even just someone to make out with ;-). Unfortunately I'm really picky about who I will make out with/date and I don't really know that many people. I really need to find a way to branch out and meet new people, but it's hard because I'm so shy. Wow people who read this are going to think that all I do is bitch and whine, which isn't too far from the truth but I guess I just consider this blog as an outlet for all of the things I bitch and whine about to all of my friends anyway. Don't forget that when you read my blog.

hey rossy..
just wanna say hi..and tell you that you can always be yourself when your with me. heh =)
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