Popularity and boys
So I spent almost all of yesterday locked in my room watching the first season of Popular on DVD. I never really watched that show when it was on, but I remember my sister being obsessed with it. I can understand why, I'm addicted now. I don't think it portrays an accurate image of high-school life, being that all of the actors were in their twenties and even the extremely "unpopular" characters weren't too sore on the eyes. I don't care where you go to high school, not everyone there can be that pretty. It really bugs me how everyone on the show acts like Harrison, one of the less-popular characters, just isn't that attractive. I mean, the guy is hot. Well he was, back then anyway.
I never had to struggle with cliques that much in school. I spent most of my educational career in small private schools where everyone was pretty much always included. I did go to Highland Park Middle School in the eighth grade and it was hell. Middle-school is usually miserable anyway, especially for the new kid. My high school, although lacking a group of people you might consider to be "popular", has become incredibly cliquey (I know, that's not really a word). There are several distinct groups of people that hang out together and they change drastically with each year. It's a little bit different though, because you can belong to any group you want to. Nevertheless, I belong to no group. Not this year anyway. Two of my best friends don't go to Walden anymore (one graduated and the other transferred to Crandall I.S.D.). My group is pretty much just me and my friend Deborah. I spend most of my time working on different projects for the school so most of the people I talk to are teachers. That's ok though. I'm really good friends with some of my teachers.
How do I start this paragraph? Well, its about boys. Who are the boys? Well I'm not entirely sure and that's part of the problem. One of them is James. James is someone I met several months ago. He's a friend of a friend. After I had met James a couple of times I knew there was something about him that I liked. I'm not sure what it was, I never got to find out. I had hoped, if nothing else, that we could be friends. I tried to talk to him online every once in awhile, but it was kind of hard to keep his attention and I eventually gave up. Then, quite suddenly, he asked me if I wanted to hang out. I did, for three consecutive days. Neither of us was entirely sure in what capacity though, which made things a little bit akward. We sort of lost touch after that, not for lack of effort on my part. It just became really hard to keep his attention again. I guess I'll never find out what it was I liked about him.
Another guy is Justin. I've been talking to Justin online for awhile now. I don't know how I feel about him. I like talking to him, and I miss talking to him when I haven't for awhile. But he's the kind of person you can talk to for hours and still not know any more about who he really is. That may not make a lote of sense, but it's still the case. I hope to get to know him better, we'll see where that goes.
Oh Matt. What can I say about Matt? Matt is one of those really cool and nice guys that you just know will end up with another really cool and nice guy and be happy. He at least deserves to. Matt is someone I like as a friend, just to clear things up. I could definitely fall for him in the right situation though. Come to think of it, a lot comes right down to what the situation is. I guess it doesn't really matter. I'm not really Matt's type anyway. By the way Matt... your light sabres are soooooo cool. I want one now :-p
Oh crap. I forgot to study for the test on Hamlet tomorrow. I have to go.

hmmmm...so why did u turn down my make-out offer? hahaha ;-)
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