A hand that doesn't know how to help
I wish I knew how to help people. I, like everyone I know, have had to deal with severe depression in my past and still battle with a milder form of it every day. At some point I learned how to deal with it and make it less of a hurdle in my life. I am able to mantain a positive attitude about life and face each day as a new challenge. Sure, there are things that make me sad, but I look at the bigger picture and for a brighter future. Unfortunately, since I don't entirely understand how I am able to do this I haven't been able to share this wonderful knowledge with others. There are so many people I wish I could help. I look at people and see the desparate look in their eyes, aspiring to once again be happy. Even worse, there are some who look as though they believe happiness will never come, that they will feel nothing but the empty pit in their stomach for the rest of their lives. These are the people I especially want to help, but I don't know how. I'm not even good at consoling people. I just wish I could help others with their struggles in life and be as happy as I am.

I just finally checked your blog.
The thing is, you can only help other people to certain degree, and that's something that's really hard to accept. You can support and listen, sometimes offer advice, but you can't make it better, they have to do that..
It used to make Mandie depressed that she couldn't make me want to live, what she didn't understand is that I have to find a reason to live for me, you can't give that to someone else.
Depression is different for each of us, and so we each feel it differently. What worked for you might not work for others..
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