Our paths in life are varied. They are full of unexpected twists and turns, and that's part of what makes life exciting. It's nice to idealize about going for the ride and enjoying every bit of it, but in my life that is never the case. If I sit idly and wait for things to happen, they don't. Only when I take an active role in my life and make things happen does it start to get exciting. I have to make things happen and I have to stop fearing that they might be bad. They inevitably will, but to find the best in life it is necessary to take chances. On my path I have chosen to take the road less traveled. That's what the title of my blog is about. It's about straying from the social norm and letting my individual personality stand out. To everyone who makes an effort to conform to a social standard I just want to let you know what you're missing out on. It is possible for everything you experience in life to be meaningful and worthwhile. I'm not saying that you can't enjoy life by just going along for the ride, but there's so much more. For those of you who feel like you are stuck in a rut, again, a path is merely a path. You have to choose which one you want to be on and you have to take the steps. It's not always easy but it's the best way to get somewhere.

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