Have you ever acted immature or done something embarassing? Does the memory of that moment ever come back to haunt you? You can escape a situation, but how do you escape a memory? Almost every time I have a free moment to think, I eventually stumble across a memory I'd rather not. I remember something stupid or embarassing that I've done. I play the moment over and over again in my head until I get so embarassied I suddenly find myself saying "I want to go home" out loud to an empty room. I wonder what I mean by that exactly. Every time I catch myself saying it I realize that I'm already at home. There must be something that I'm looking for comfort in, something that you can usually find at home. I guess I'm not finding it.

Don't let it get to you. We all look back and see we have done things stupid. I have plenty of memories that I think "what was I doing" at the time. As you get older it is natural to do that.
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