So I've been working my ass off to get the school yearbook done before graduation. No, I haven't been living under a rock, although sometimes I think that I might appreciate such a simple lifestyle, I've been slaving away (figuratively) at school until late at night putting my desktop publishing skills to good use. Good news. My efforts have finally paid off (almost). I finally finished the layout last night at Starbucks. I flew in to Dallas Sunday morning from Oklahoma (I was there for my sister's graduation) and met my teacher at school to get it done. Of course, nothing ever goes the way it was planned. After my laptop's battery died we realized that the school had no electricity. Apparently, a squirell had gotten into the power transformer and caused a short while combusting. Several teachers heard a loud boom when it happened, but weren't sure what to make of it. Anyways, we decided to take our project to Starbucks and finish it there. After eight long hours we finally got it done. Now it's off getting printed, except for the color sections, we're printing those at school. I just hope everything goes smoothly and we get them in time for the last day of school. I also hope that I can finish everything up for my classes by then too (my schoolwork has been on the backburner for the past couple of weeks because of yearbook). Anyways, we'll see.

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