From your Michellypooh
I decided that I hadn't checked with your blog lately and I ought to take a look, and your last post really upset me. You are an incredibly significant person, the problem is that you have trouble relating to other people. The reason that you can I always got along so well was that we both saw in each other someone who was just as socially incapable and had similar interests. I can honestly say that I have more fun hanging out with you than anyone else. Just today I thought that you must be coming back to Dallas soon, said you said like 3 weeks and that was a while ago.
If people view you as being how you described, it's because they haven't bothered to take the time to really get to know you. They see you and evaluate you in a matter of minutes, then place you into some category in their mind. There is so much to you, and everyone has to find themselves. There was a point in my life, after I had really just been broken, that I had to stop and look at where I was. I thought about who I wanted to be and where I wanted to be, and just started working my way up. I've changed so much each year it seems, and I think that that's how life is meant to be. We have our core personality traits but who we are changes as our life changes.
All the things we experience and see add to what we understand, so there's nothing wrong with being confused. I always ask people at work "What is it that you do?" They're usually confused at first but I explain "When you're at work, you're not really thinking about how much you want to be here. So when you're emptying the trash, what is it that you think about that you'd rather be doing?" Everyone has something that they look forward to, something that makes them happy. That's just what you have to find, and it doesn't matter if it's unconventional or if other people don't understand and criticize you.
If you're not happy where you are, then you need to think about what you can do to change that. If things are hard, you just keep telling yourself that it has to get better, and tomorrow is a new chance.

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