I'm starting to worry
I'm starting to get worried about Michelle. When she first started becoming friends with Mandi again I was happy for her. I knew that they used to be very close friends and Michelle had been feeling loney. I would have been worried about history repeating itself, but she seemed very determined to keep their friendship casual and at a distance. Lately, though, it seems that she has lost sight of the importance of keeping Mandi at a distance with the prospect of having a close relationship with her dangling in her face.
Michelle called me the other day to tell me that she was going to move in with Mandie and her boyfriend, Rob. She said it was to save money on her rent, but I believe that that has little to do with it. Even if Michelle has fully convinced herself that the only reason she wants to move in with Mandie is to save money, the fact that she's determined that there's no other alternative and swears that the difficulty of finding one is too much to bear signals to me that her subconsious has other motives. When Michelle starts to rationalize, its a clear sign that something is wrong. I could tell on the phone that a lot of tension had arisen in her voice when I told her that I didn't think it was a good idea for her to move in with Mandi. She calls me up with this expectation for me to be supportive and then turns me into an enemy when I'm not.
Of course, that's what Michelle does. She put all of the expectations on the people around her and then gets angry when they're not met. That's actually what I'm most worried about. She wrote in her blog that she's having difficulty dealing with some of the things in her life right now and that she's going to look to Mandi for understanding and support. She says she's going to rely on Mandi for strength. These are the kinds of expectations that tore them apart in the first place and it's going to be especially akward now that Mandi is in a relationship. I don't want Michelle to be alone. I want her to have someone to be strong for her, but I have a feeling in my gut that things are going to go terribly wrong here just as they did before.

thanx for playing "wake me up when september ends" in your blog. it caught my attention. I read you. you're great. go on this way, baby.
ps. forgive a poor italian girl's bad english... =)
Life does get better, if people are REAL to everyone in their lives, lies never solved anyting all they do is hurt.
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