Watch a movie?
Ok. I'm watching Eating Out right now and I'm at this part that is so true to reality. I really feel the need to rant about it for a mintue.
When two gay guys say they're going to watch a movie together, does it always have to lead to more than that? I mean, I've always taken it for face value and assumed it meant that we were going to watch a movie together and then I'm caught completely by suprise when the other guy decides to make his move. What if I really just wanted to watch a movie and enjoy their company in a platonic way? Is that not allowed? If I want to get to first, second, or third base with someone I'd kind of like that to be out in the open first so I don't feel bad having to turn someone down who was reading more into the situation than was really there. The same goes for the other way around. If a guy wants me to make the first move, well I'm just not going to do it because I'm never sure that's what they want me to do. It just occurs to me that if I try they might turn me down and say I have the wrong idea about our relationship. That's the kind of situation a really try to avoid.
I know it can be really hot if a guy that you're attracted to just goes in for the kill, without asking or making it akward, but there's so many times that they think you want it when you really don't and that's even more akward. I don't really know what the solution is, because sitting down and having a conversation about it first kind of ruins the excitement, but I just felt the need to rant anyways. Thanks for listening.

Im on the same page as you, i dont know if thats because were about the same age, but i agree.
I do somtimes make the first move, but only if i know the feelings are mutual....look into their eyes and just hold their hand. You can learn so much about a person without even talking to them. just sit still like that dont make a sound, if the ask whats wrong, or what is it...put your finger over your lips and just look into the person you like. do it for a minute and u find out all u need to know. (dont make it look like your crazy by accidentally sticking your finger in your nose)
bi bi ~ELMO
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