Well I've been living on my own (unless you count my roommate) for almost a week now. I have to say that it's not as shocking or traumatic as I was expecting it to be. Perhaps it hasn't quite settled in my subconcious that I won't be going home anytime soon.
I've already had three days of classes and so far it hasn't been that difficult. With nothing better to do, I've had no difficulty with getting myself to do homework. I was sure that this would be one of the biggest hurdles for me to overcome and it probably will be if I ever establish some sort of social life that might tempt me from my studies.
People keep telling me that I should reach out and make friends, but I honestly have no idea of how to do that. My usual method of becoming aquainted with people online first and then meeting them is failing me because none of the people that are messaging me online have been ASU undergraduates. I really want to make sure I have a few friends at school before I start branching out, otherwise I might end up with only friends that don't go to school here.
I did go get dinner with my roommate tonight and finally got a chance to talk to him. I don't know if we will ever be good friends, we're pretty different. I can't tell if he would even be interested in being friends. For those of you that are wondering, no... I have not come out to my roommate yet. I'd love for him to know and be ok with it, and to be able to get on myspace while he was in the room and not be worried about him seeing something that would give me away, but I'm just not sure how he would take it. How do you tell your roommate that kind of thing anyway? Do you just blurt it out? Do you not tell them and let them realize it when you bring a boy home one night? Every way that I can think of comes off as being so akward when I play the scenario in my head. Oh well. It will happen when it happens.
Alright. I'm off to bed now. I've been conveniently waking up before my alarm goes of every since I got here and I don't want to screw that up.

unfortunately in a situation like that the best way to do it (imho) is to just sit him down and do it. you have to live there just as much as he does, so you have every right to be as comfortable as he probably is, which includes being able to check your myspace site!
sit him down, tell him whats up and see how he reacts. he mights surprise you. if he doesn't seem cool with it, suggest to him maybe you guys or he can talk to the RA about it, because that is what they are there for.
if he seems ok but weird with it, just give it all time. tell him you're not looking to make a big deal about it u just wanted to be open and honest so that you could be comfortable living there.
i know it's a real by-the-book way to do it but i really think openness and honesty is the best way to go! unless he's a jerk. then you report to security that he's smoking weed and get him kicked out, like i did with my homophobic roomie :-D
My oppinion.
No str8 boys sit me down and say guess what im str8 so why should i have to do it...if he is wondering about it he will ask u but dont lie..
You should be able to tell how he might react by spending more time with him...maybe just leaving a gay book on the coffee table will let him in on it and give him the idea of asking u....dont be to anxious to do it, but dont be fake either.
be yourself after all it is your home and u should feel comfortable in yor own home.
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