Nothing really exciting has happened since my last post, but I've been told that I need to update my blog. I'm really not liking this whole process of having to do all of my Calculus homework the day before it's due because I procrastinated on it. I know I shouldn't procrastinate, but It's just something that I've always done. A lot of people do it really, it must be human nature.
I went to lunch with my sister and my mom today. The whole time my sister was in a bad mood because she decided that she was fat. Lauren has always been a little self-concious about her weight, but I'd never seen her so upset about it. The truth is, she isn't even remotely overweight. She's one of those skinny sorority girls who looks good in everything. She's naturally really pretty. Everyone thinks so. I don't understand why she isn't happy with the way she looks when so many other girls would probably kill to look like her. Then again, I guess I do understand, because I'm the same way. A lot of guys tell me that I'm "cute" or "hot" and more often then not I don't believe them. The first thing that I think when someone tells me that is "But I don't have biceps or a six-pack." I guess those aren't requirements for being attractive, but I always feel like I come up short. Although, at least in that way I'm modest. Hot or not I still want a six-pack.

Calculus?? no wait..that wasn't quite right....CALCULUS?????. there we go. I was under the distinct impression that calulus was impossible, much like reading the unabridged "The Stand" or Michael Bay directing a movie that doesn't make you want to vomit. I could be biased, I was an english nerd myself, but i still think math should be smoted from above by a flying jesus.
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