I titled my blog "Running from the Rainbow" because it was one of my personal goals to avoid becoming a stereotypical gay guy at the time I created it. I've realized that the gay stereotype is constantly changing; and I'll always be different without any effort on my part. I'm just going to be whoever I happen to be.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Thank god she's ok

My dad just called me. When I answered the phone he sounded a little weird. He asked me if I had talked to my mother today. I told him I hadn't and so he continued to tell me that my sister had gotten into a car accident, or to be more precise an accident with a car. He skirted around it for a little bit and then finally told me that she got hit by a car while riding her bicycle. I was shocked and during the pause in conversation I almost started crying. Finally he resumed speaking and let me know that she was fine and only had a few bruises and was a little banged up. I was so relieved and I wanted to yell at him for not telling me right away and letting me think that she was seriously hurt. Then I realized how thankful I was that she was alright and I didn't care anymore.

It never really occured to me before, but my family has branched out to different places and something could happen to any one of us at any time and the others wouldn't know. It's really a scary though to think that my sister was hit by a car and I didn't know until much later. It could have been really serious... I could have lost her.


At October 17, 2005 2:23 PM, Blogger ElovesU said...

Im glad shes okay, and it sucks to be away from your family, The only thing i have here in oregon is my mom, my siter and brother are 2 states away in utah, and my grandparents are in california.

I hope she gets better.


At October 18, 2005 2:30 PM, Blogger ElovesU said...

Every time i come to ur site the music, makes me smile..I love green day.

At October 18, 2005 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i'm glad to hear that shes ok

At November 29, 2005 1:25 AM, Blogger spartacus21 said...

cool that she is ok! now that i found you though you should post more!


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