Defending Mankind
I just had a realization today that I wanted to share concerning pessimistic views on society.
Society ≠ Popular Culture
So next time you start to go on another rant about how society is inherently bad and corrupt just remember the distinction. Society is something that all people are a part of but not everyone whole-heartedly takes part in popular culture; which may or may not be the root of all evil, I cannot say.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
To My Rossypooh
That you should have to live in a world where people judge you based on your sexual orientation is a horrible thought to me. It makes me sad to know that not only have they subjected you to their misguided beliefs, but also that they will never see past such a superificial thing to find out what a great person you are. You are my bastion of faith in the goodness of humanity. I see awful, rude people everyday; I read about horrible things happening on the news. A trip to leaves me feeling like the environmental and political problems couldn't even compare to the awful decay of the human soul and morality. But during my times of sadness and despair, I think about you. About how happy I am when we get to hang out, and most importantly what a good person you are. You are kind, compassionate, smart, and an amazing contributor to society. You are proof of the glinting fraction of hope for humanity.
The world would be lucky to have more people like you, and they can't see that because of your sexuality.
Their opinions are not even worth the time they waste speaking them.